About the Journal

Brief History of the Joutnal 

The Caderno Marista de Educação is a periodical that arose from the need to promote research and good practices in Marist pedagogy. The journal was launched in 2001 in the Marist Sul-Amazônica province, under the responsibility of the Educational Management of Marist Network Schools. In 2014 and 2018, the journal had special editions, publishing studies conducted by the team of supervisors and advisors in various areas, methodologies related to curricular restructuring, and articles developed as Final Course Work of the Marist Curriculum Management Specialization Course, promoted by the Educational Management of Marist Network Schools and PUCRS. In 2023, the journal became part of Marista Brasil, under the responsibility of the Socioeducational and Evangelization Directorate in partnership with PUCRS.

Focus and Scope

The Caderno Marista de Educação Magazine aims to encourage discussions about educational and school management processes, produce knowledge that expands the understanding and qualification of such processes, in addition to disseminating successful practices related to basic education themes, such as: training of teachers, curriculum, teaching and learning, school management, pastoral dimension, educational technologies, culture of inclusion, educational methodologies and policies, in addition to other themes involving formal and non-formal teaching and learning spaces that are related to basic education of Marist Brazil. The Caderno Marista de Educação Magazine accepts unpublished works in Portuguese, Spanish and English, from students and educators linked to Marista Brasil and Champagnat Global, as well as external authors, Brazilian and/or foreign in partnership with authors linked to the Marist charisma. The genres accepted for the magazine are: scientific articles, experience reports, reviews, academic essays and interviews. The characteristics of each type of work are described in the submissions section.

Publication Frequency

Continuous Flow

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to all of its content, adhering to the principle that making scientific research freely accessible fosters greater global exchange of knowledge.

Principles of Ethics and Best Practices in Academic Publishing

Conditions for submission

The authorship of the work may be by educators and researchers from Marista Brasil, Champagnat Global, and other institutions, as long as it is in partnership with an educator who has a link with the sponsor. If applicable, complete and submit the Declaration of Organizational Link. Submitted texts undergo an initial formal evaluation by the editorial team, which may request corrections and additions. Texts that do not fit the scope of the Journal, that do not meet mandatory requirements or that are not suitable within the deadline will be archived. Once the admissibility of the submission is confirmed, two opinions are requested from people specialized in the subject, which will serve as input to the editors, with the final decision remaining with them. The publication of works is subject to compliance with its recommendations. The evaluation takes into account the originality of the treatment of the topic, the consistency and rigor of the approach, its contribution and the thematic line of the magazine. The review system is double-blind: the names of the reviewers will remain confidential, and the names of the authors will also be omitted from the reviewers. Evaluators are expected to be objective in their evaluation. If there is any conflict of interest or difficulty in formulating a judgment without significant influence from external factors, please contact the editors. They are expected to indicate relevant literature, if it has not been included in the text. The text and other information made available in the evaluation process must be treated confidentially and cannot be used for any other purpose.


Authors are original holders and will be responsible for the originality and authorship of their creation, with the publisher not being held liable, civilly or criminally, for any plagiarism or inappropriate content.

Novelty and Originality

Upon submitting the manuscript, authors guarantee that the work has not been previously published and is not under consideration by another journal. Verbatim copying of already published excerpts is not acceptable, except in exceptional cases, in the form of citation. Illustrations and graphics from other sources must be credited or accompanied by permission from their copyright holders, if applicable.

Correction of Errors and Retractions

Authors must commit to delivering the text with language suitable for publication to the publishing house. However, authors should notify the editor if any errors are identified, in order to publish an erratum.


The text submitted for evaluation is a document and will be protected from any form of exploitation.

Indexers, directories and repositories

Additional Information

Policy on fees for article submission and Article Processing Charges (APCs)

This journal does not charge fees for publication.

Thematic coverage coded according to the CNPq classification, identifying first and second levels

  • Main area: Humanities - Education
  • Qualis:
  • Period: