The Book of Hosea in the Antigo Testamento Interlinear Hebraico-Português, v. 3: Profetas Posteriores: Notes on textual difficulties


  • Edson de Faria Francisco Universidade Metodista de São Paulo


Hebrew Bible, biblical Hebrew, textual criticism, Masoretic Text, Hosea.


This article discusses some cases of textual problems in the original Hebrew text of the book of Hosea to the Antigo Testamento Interlinear Hebraico-Português, v. 3: Profetas Posteriores (Engl.: Old Testament Interlinear Hebrew-Portuguese, v. 3: Latter Prophets). The selected cases will be part of the chapter named “Dificuldades Textuais” (Engl.: Textual Difficulties) that is found in the ATI. Each situation of textual problem in the Masoretic Text (Hebrew) is compared with three classic versions of the Bible: Septuagint (Greek), Targum Jonathan ben
Uzziel (Aramaic) and Vulgate (Latin). The goal of such quotes is to expose to the reader how the textual difficulties pointed out in this text were resolved by these biblical works. In addition, the mention of several editions of the Bible in Portuguese serve to expose to the reader how the situations dealt with in this text were solved. It is expected that such notes could be useful to all those working with Bible translation in Brazil. Another purpose of this text is to show and discuss the various types of difficulty in the biblical Hebrew text of masoretic tradition and the solutions based on bibliographic sources that were credible.

Author Biography

Edson de Faria Francisco, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

Professor de hebraico bíblico e de grego bíblico na Faculdade de Teologia da Igreja Metodista (FaTeo) na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP). Pós-doutorado em Língua Hebraica, Literatura e Cultura Judaicas pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP).


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