Towardes a Black History
The theorical power of Maria Beatriz Nascimento’s thought for (re) writing of History
Maria Beatriz Nascimento, Historiography, QuilomboAbstract
For historian Maria Beatriz Nascimento (1942-1995), historiography has produced over the years a series of distortions and neglects on the past of black populations, thus to (re)Writing the history of the Quilombos, the author proposed that this be done from other temporalities, theories and aspirations, in view of a reconciliation of the black populations with their past and with the possibilities of future opened by this movement.However, despite the importance of his productions to the debates on black subjectivity, race and historiography throughout the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s in Brazil, his work and agency figure little in the historical discipline as a theoretical and historiographical possibility for the writing of history. Thus, we propose in this article to celebrate their productions, taking them as “a possibility in the days of destruction”, for this, we have as a central question and focus the conception of an epistemology that privileges the (re)writing of history before a black perspective, in order to highlight the theoretical power of the historian’s thought for her area of academic training and performance.
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