José Saramago and the unveiling of the author in the literary narratology scene
José Saramago, Author, Narrator, Roland BarthesAbstract
French theorist Roland Barthes, after his famous conference of 1968, at the Collège de France, came to be cited as responsible for decreeing what says the metaphor that gives title to his text: The death of the author. Contrary to this aspect, the contemporary Portuguese novelist, José Saramago, will declare in his critical production The author as the narrator of his works, that is, affirming a certain nullity of the literary instance of the “narrator” by assuming it as performed by the author himself. Considering the author’s place in the Barthesian reflection and the place granted to him in Saramaguian fiction, we seek to problematize this space occupied in order to ascertain the consonances and/or dissonances in the understanding of both, as well as its unsealing in the scene of literary narratology.
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