Impasses in drummond’s modernism
A review of the nation concept in a set of poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Nation, ModernismAbstract
This research aims to understand the concept of nation in Carlos Drummond de Andrade’s poetry, especially in the 30’s, when the poet was heavily influenced by the modernist movement — known for its appreciation for everything that was national. To achieve this goal, we analyze the poems “Também já fui brasileiro” and “Europa, França e Bahia” from Alguma poesia (1930) reflecting about the nation and nationalism issues raised by Benedict Anderson (2008). Besides that, in a second moment of analysis, we seek to understand the relation that the poet determines between the global and the local, considering the reflections established by Stuart Hall (2014). Therefore, we selected the poems “Cidadezinha qualquer”, also from Alguma poesia (1930) and “Confidência do Itabirano” from Sentimento do mundo (1940). From this analysis, some contradictions in Drummond’s speaker are evidenced, since he is often not able to identify himself, neither with his country nor with other places; always reflecting a disconnection with his time, feature that is one of Drummond’s marks.
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