A study related to corrective feedback in foreign language classroom


  • Tarsila Rubin Battistella PUCRS


corrective treatment, interaction, kinds of feedback.


This study will focus on some relevant aspects about the teaching and learning of a foreign language related to corrective feedback. In the first part, there is a bibliography review about some central aspects that are linked to corrective feedback, interaction and kinds of feedback through precisely information about the subject. After, the results of a research involving nineteen Secretariado Executivo students and the English teacher are presented. The results are about the error treatment, checking the teacher and students points of view. Finally the resulted data is analyzed and the conclusions for the study are presented.


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How to Cite

Battistella, T. R. (2010). A study related to corrective feedback in foreign language classroom. Letrônica, 3(1), 181–194. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/letronica/article/view/6924



Linguistics Topic 2: Bilingualism; Acquisition of Second Language