"Our reality": historiographic problems in the representation of the environment in Brazilian literature


  • Mauricio Osório Krebs PUCRS


Historiografia, poesia metafisica, Murilo mendes, Cecilia meirelles,


In the early brazilian historiographic tradition, one may notice a certain inclination towards the definition of the rising brazilian national literature through the identification of typical elements which told it apart from the “original” portuguese literature. Redeeming these trend in some of our earliest historiographers, this study aims at picking out echoes from this tension line in the contemporary historiography produced by Alfredo Bosi and Luciana Stegagno Picchio regarding their evaluations of the body of work of Cecilia Meireles and Murilo Mendes, considering that these poets do not fit in perfectly in the “local” or “picturesque” necessities established by the historiographic tradition of which they belong to. Keywords: Historiography; Brazilian poetry; Cecília Meireles; Murilo Mendes


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Author Biography

Mauricio Osório Krebs, PUCRS

Departamento de teoria literária da PUCRS, atualmente pesquisando poesia brasileira moderna.



How to Cite

Krebs, M. O. (2009). "Our reality": historiographic problems in the representation of the environment in Brazilian literature. Letrônica, 2(2), 137–151. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/letronica/article/view/5717