Precursority: a proposal to think the literary canon


  • Daniela Silva da Silva PUCRS


Precursoriedade, Cânone, História da Literatura


Jorge Luis Borges mentioned that he always considered writing a study of Kafka and his precursors, what he did when he wrote an essay entitled “Kafka and his precursors” published in Selected non-fictions. In order to accomplish this the Argentinean writer referred that he had to spend a little time with Kafka and because of that he could recognize “his voice, or his habits, in the texts of various literatures and various ages.” Spending a little time with Borges made me consider writing an essay about the issues he argues there. I named these issues as “voices” once like Borges I could recognize some of them in his text. I understand that these issues trace the structure in which I want to address the discussion about some questions from the field of Literary Studies, more specifically from the area of Literary History such as the debate about canon. My essay aims to propose the idea of “precursor” as a concept to (re)think the notion of literary canon.


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Author Biography

Daniela Silva da Silva, PUCRS

Possui graduação em Letras pela Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (2004) e Mestrado em Letras pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (2006). Atualmente é bolsista de Doutorado do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em Literatura Brasileira, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Literatura Brasileira, História da Literatura e Estudos Culturais.



How to Cite

da Silva, D. S. (2009). Precursority: a proposal to think the literary canon. Letrônica, 2(2), 127–136. Retrieved from