Female Protagonism in Fights for Freedom and Social Equality
Mariana Pineda by Federico García Lorca
Female Protagonism, Nineteenth-Century Spanish Theater, Federico García Lorca, Mariana PinedaAbstract
The current article aims to analyze the female political protagonism in the play Mariana Pineda by Federico García Lorca, analyzing the political and historical overlaps presented in the work. This literary work stands out because it presents a strong female role in social and political agitated moments in the Spanish History. This research rescues the role and performance of women in literature in a troubled period of Spanish history, as well as revisiting facts that led the author to produce a work that highlighted a woman’s fight for freedom and equality. The analysis of the work allowed us to identify that in Mariana Pineda, despite the protagonist being in love, she engages in the political fight because of her belief in a revolutionary ideal. The author made his writing a place to denounce the injustices experienced by the nineteenth-century Spanish women and a place to highlight their fights and demands as well.
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