Critical Literacy in English Classes
Two Case Studies in Focus
Public School, English Language, Critical Literacy, Pandemic, Remote TeachingAbstract
This article seeks to present some of the results of two case studies, carried out during the period of Emergency Remote Education (ERE) (Toledo, 2021) and Emergency Hybrid Education (EHE) (Schieber, 2022), on the possibilities and limitations of promoting critical literacy in English language classes during the pandemic. Each study included an English language teacher working in a state public school and in a municipal school, respectively. To discuss the data generated, the theory of foreign language teaching as critical literacy found in the Curricular Guidelines for Secondary Education (OCEM) (Brazil, 2006) and in scholars such as Duboc (2012, 2015), Mattos (2015), and Menezes de Souza (2011) were used as theoretical contributions. Through these investigations, the participating teachers had the chance to (re)understand the effects of adopting a critical pedagogical praxis in their English classes, albeit with some limitations and in the midst of an emergency teaching and learning process. In addition to engaging the participating teachers in a reflection on their own praxis, it was also possible to explore the possibilities of literacy as a social practice in English language activities that reached out the students remotely (through ERE) and hybrid (through EHE). Finally, such proposals went beyond their objective of transforming students into active citizens; they also contributed to a constant training process between teacher-participants and researchers.
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