Boys don’t cry?

Queer as a contraposition to the hegemonic masculinity in the film Close (2022)




Queer Cinema, Narrative, Childhood, Hegemonic Masculinity, crying


This article proposes an analysis of the contrapositions that the feature film Close (2022), directed by Lukas Dhont, establishes towards hegemonic masculinity. The movie portrays the end of childhood for Leo and Remi, two 13-year-old boys who have a very close friendship. Although they do not experience a homosexual relationship, the physical proximity between the characters destabilizes social impositions aimed at the male gender, in such a way that the hostility they receive at school and Leo’s distance lead Remi to commit suicide. Our analysis focuses on the narrative of the scenes in which Leo cries, considering that this act is socially seen as a demonstration of weakness, especially in male individuals. The problem we present is: how does crying reveal itself to be a manifestation that connects Close to queer cinema? The thinking of Bonfanti and Gomes (2018), Connell and Messerschmidt (2013), Deleuze (1983), Gaudreault and Jost (2009), and Nagime (2016) will be used as a theoretical basis. As a result, we realized that the film contributes to the debate on queer cinema by portraying that, although repressions with homophobic motivation do not always come from the family, adultcentrism is a means of passing on prejudiced values between generations.


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Author Biographies

João Paulo Wandscheer, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Fabico, PPGCOM, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

PhD student in Communication at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and a scholarship holder at the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes). He is currently developing research on Brazilian queer cinema and nature. He has a master's degree in Social Communication from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), having published, in 2022, a dissertation entitled “Homosexuality and Brazilian Queer Cinema: an analysis of party and sex scenes in the films Tinta Bruta and Corpo Elétrico”.

Helena Lukianski Pacheco , Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Fabico, PPGCOM, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

PhD student in Communication at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) with a Capes scholarship. She graduated in Social Communication with a specialization in Journalism at PUCRS, and completed her master's degree at the same university in 2021. She currently studies the relationship between contemporary Brazilian cinema and the recent neoliberal subjectivation. Research on cinema, politics and aesthetics.


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How to Cite

Wandscheer, J. P., & Lukianski Pacheco , H. (2024). Boys don’t cry? : Queer as a contraposition to the hegemonic masculinity in the film Close (2022). Letrônica, 17(1), e46095.

