Effects of structural priming on the processing of passive sentences in Brazilian- Portuguese
Structural priming, Passive voice, Lexical repetitionAbstract
Two experiments which investigate structural priming effects on the processing of passive voice sentences in Portuguese are presented. In experimente 1, 22 participants read 120 experimental sentences and 120 filler sentences, divided in two conditions: experimental, which included target structure repetition and repetition of the main verb between prime and target sentences, and control, which excluded structural repetition and included lexical repetition of the main verb between prime and target sentences. Results show that repetition of the passive voice syntactic structure and of the main verb facilitated processing of the target sentence verb in the experimental condition compared to the control condition. In experiment 2, 38 participants read 160 experimental sentences and 160 filler ones, also divided in two conditions: experimental, which included structural repetition and excluded lexical repetition, and control, which excluded both structural and lexical repetitions. Results show that repetition of the passive voice syntactic structure did not facilitate processing of the target sentence verb in the experimental condition compared to the control condition. Thus, the detection of priming effects only in experiment 1 seems to indicate that, at least for this sample of Portuguese adult native speakers, structural priming effects during comprehension are dependent on lexical repetition.
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