Representation of psychological violence against children and its overcoming in Corda bamba, by Lygia Bojunga
Culture, Literature, Psychological violence, Identity, ChildAbstract
This article aims to investigate the representation of violence against children in the children’s literature work Corda bamba (2018), by Lygia Bojunga. Violence is understood as any action that annihilates or reduces someone’s dignity, an aspect that, as part of the relationship between individuals, makes the conception of identities present. As the child, in his relationship with the adult, is viewed as another, violence against this social group is conceived from the perspective of identity constitution. Corda Bamba (2018) is analyzed from this angle, as a narrative in which psychological violence against children and the denial of their identity are manifested under a false veil of care and protection. The article demonstrates that Lygia Bojunga makes use of narrative strategies and the symbolism of language to compose her text, which, although it allows for different interpretations, requires the reader to position himself in the face of the treatment given to the child, transforming it into an object of knowledge and of reflection on the represented reality
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