The palatal lateral consonant in a quilombola community
Palatal lateral, Language variation, Quilombola communityAbstract
This article deals with the use of the palatal lateral consonant in syllable onset position, particularly its deletion, in Rio das Rãs, a quilombola community located in Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia. Starting from a characterization of the community and the phenomenon investigated, the main results of a multivariate quantitative analysis from the Labovian variationist perspective are presented. Contexts of words containing the ʎV sequence in 24 oral interviews are analyzed. Among the social and linguistic variables examined, the mixed effects logistic regression analysis pointed to the influence of the variables lower scholling level and morphological category masculine on the phenomenon. The variable interactions women/young age were also considered significant, disfavoring the process, and high and high-mid vowel in the preceding context/open vowel in the following context, favoring the process. The role of these interactions seems to be related to the role of the random variables word and participant, respectively.
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