Phonological representation and surface variability of the lateral palatal in Brazilian Portuguese
lateral palatal, Brazilian Portuguese, phonological system, internal organization of the segment, phonetic-phonological variationAbstract
This paper on the palatal lateral in Portuguese seeks in the phonological representation the motivation for the variable production of the segment. Based on Hall’s (2011) contrast and enhancement approach and using Purnell and Raimy’s (2015) model of internal organization of segments, the palatal lateral is represented as a coronal laminal segment in the Portuguese phonological system. The different possibilities for completing and improving features at the phonetic-phonological level, by adding dorsality with or without segment anteriorization, produce the variability that, on the surface, seeks to highlight an intrinsically ambiguous realization (the alveopalatality implied by the laminal property) in favorable environment (the intervocalic context).
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