The PFL course materials
towards a plural perspective
Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL), multicentric languages, course materialsAbstract
The teaching materials produced by the Portuguese as a Foreign Language Teacher's Portal (PPPLE) constitute a very rich resource, as they are didactic units (UD) published as Open Educational Resource (REA) from different countries and cultures. Thus, in this qualitative and exploratory research, we focused on three UD, from each Portuguese-speaking country present in the PPPLE, to reflect on their proposals, didactic directions and possibility(ies) of use beyond the territories where they were created. We start from the review of researches that have already examined the PPPLE and review its history, and then present our analysis in the light of a PFL teaching that must consider a multicultural and global reality. As a result, we found that the PPPLE is, effectively, a pluricentric and intercultural project, however, these characteristics are not necessarily found in its UD. In other words, even though we have teaching materials from different cultures and varieties of Portuguese, they mostly end up encapsulated in their micro contexts and do not include a language practice that is concretely plural and intercultural. With this article, we would like to open a dialogue on adaptations of the PPPLE portal material for plural and intercultural contexts, with the intention of promoting positive reflection and dissent.
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