A scream that builds up
A semiolinguistic analysis of the song Maria da Vila Matilde
Semiolinguistics, Discourse, Brazilian music, Domestic violenceAbstract
The increasing rates of domestic violence show how Brazil is still constituted by a patriarchal, sexist, and racist culture, supported by the conception of women as beautiful, modest, and domestic (VEJA, 2016). Based on the Semiolinguistics Theory proposed by Patrick Charaudeau (2008), in this work we analyze the language acts present in the song “Maria da Vila Matilde”, composed by Douglas Germano and sung by Elza Soares. The theoretical-methodological approach is based on the classification of the text as stated by the Modes of discourse organization, with focus on the Enunciative Mode as an analytic category. The nature of this work is descriptive-analytical-interpretative, which we have outlined in a chart designed to organize the song lyrics according to their enunciative modes. Following the description contained in the chart, we analyze and interpret how these modes constitute meaning, especially meanings of confrontation/empowerment.
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