The poetic city of Joaquim Cardozo
The social as a brand of aesthetic expression
Brazilian poetry, Poetic figuration of the city, Joaquim CardozoAbstract
Poet and engineer, in tune, since youth, with inventions from sciences and diverse literatures, Joaquim Cardozo [1897-1978] was one of the great literary exponents of Brazil. The ways of perceiving and portraying the space reveal, in their poetry, ideas such as belonging and the manner of being in the world. In this sense, considering the literature as a depository of relations established between the human and the environment, the theme of this article is the city of Recife as a reference to the poetic creation of Cardozo. In order to shed light on the communicative aspect of his work, the main purpose of this study is to verify how the images of the city are configured in the poem “As janelas, as escadas, as pontes e as estradas”, from Mundos paralelos (1970), in an attempt to highlight the manner how the social inspiration finds an aesthetic expression. To this end, we seek theoretical-critical contribution in the thinking of researchers such as Cantarelli (2014), Leal (2007) and Maia (2010). Candido (2000), Sarlo (2014), Cantarelli (2014), Leal (2007) e Maia (2010).
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