The midday reclined over the midnight
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen under de sun; Ana Martins Marques under the shade
Ana Martins Marques, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Tradition, Poetry, CitationAbstract
The epigrath of the poem “Sophia e o Sol”, by Ana Martins Marques (Belo Horizonte, 1977 –), from the book Da arte das armadilhas (2011), adresses the main proposal of this essay-article: bring the poet from Minas Gerais closer to Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (Porto, 1919 – Lisboa, 2004), either through direct or indirect citations, through the identification of “plagiarism”, “theft” and “apropriation”, or even through the identification of what Ana Martins Marques, in one of her interviews, calls “reading trails”. We propose an exercise similar to that of Wilberth Salgueiro in his article “A tradição visível: poesia e citação” (2017): more than a passage or an excerpt, we also consider as a quote the presence of an author’s name; in other words, we start from the objective presence of the citation (of the reference, the allusion, the appointment) in the body of the poem. Reinforcing our theoretical framework, we use, also, the contributions from Antoine Compagnon, in O trabalho da citação (1996); from Leonardo Villa-Forte, in Escrever sem escrever: literatura e apropriação no século XXI (2019); and from Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen herself, in her “Artes Poéticas”, originally published in standalone editions and put together in the brazilian anthology Coral e outros poemas (2018).
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