History, historiography and historicity
The death of Lima Barreto
Lima Barreto, Eugenics, Racism in Brazil, Brazilian modernizationAbstract
Starting from Traga-me a cabeça de Lima Barreto! [Bring Me Lima Barreto’s Head!] (2017), a monologue made up of fragments of the author’s memoirs, fiction and journalism, this article explores the effects of the play in illuminating the first decades of the 20th century in Brazil, which have fallen into obscurity both in national history and in literary historiography. We show the links between racialism, eugenics and bio politics in public policy oriented to the social and cultural modernization of the Brazilian state. The aim is to expose Brazilian racism as a structuring premise of modern Brazilian society and the effects of racism on the work and especially the life of Lima Barreto.
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