Fake news and post-truth in the construction of neoconservatism in post-2013 Brazil and the effects on 2018 elections
Politics, Hate, Intolerance, Post-truth, Fake newsAbstract
The recent Brazilian political conjuncture has brought about a resurgence of conservatism, especially with regard to the behavior of a considerable portion of the population which, by embracing far-right ideas, has helped to bring Brazil into an obscurantist situation. Given the relevance of this theme today, this study aims to develop a discussion about the growth of extremist ideas under the influence of fake news in the post-truth era. Methodologically this study is conducted by the qualitative approach of exploratory and descriptive character in the light of the theoretical precepts found in Marcondes Filho (1989), Tandoc; Lim e Ling (2017), Dunker (2017), Gomes (2018), Löwy (2015), Miguel (2018), Almeida (2018), Souza (2016) and Charaudeau (2016), and present a discussion on political intolerance in social networks. during the 2018 presidential election. As a result of this scenario and based on the framework used, we find that the far right used hatred as a political platform to manipulate public opinion. Indeed, the country registered a reconfiguration of the meaning of political life in the instances of power and citizenship.
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