A reading of testimony and trauma in Combateremos a Sombra (Fighting the Shadow), by Lídia Jorge, Eu Sou a Árvore (I am a Tree), by Possidônio Cachapa, and A Última Canção da Noite (The Last Sons of the Night), by Francisco Camacho


  • José Luís Giovanoni Fornos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande




Memory, Testimony, Trauma, Contemporary Portuguese novel.


This essay examines the works of three Portuguese writers by drawing on the relationship between memory and history, based on testimony and trauma issues. The works investigated are: Combateremos a sombra (Fighting the shadow), by Lídia Jorge, Eusou a árvore (I am a tree), by Possidônio Cachapa, and A última canção da noite (The last song of the night), by Francisco Camacho. For such an analytical enterprise, the theoretical fields of historiography, psychoanalysis, and literary theory are used, from political and sociological perspectives. Regarding the expected interweaving, it is important to understand and explain the social processes involving subjects linked in different territories. Scholars underlying this study include Paul Ricoeur, Freud, and Márcio Seligmann-Silva.


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How to Cite

Giovanoni Fornos, J. L. (2018). A reading of testimony and trauma in Combateremos a Sombra (Fighting the Shadow), by Lídia Jorge, Eu Sou a Árvore (I am a Tree), by Possidônio Cachapa, and A Última Canção da Noite (The Last Sons of the Night), by Francisco Camacho. Letrônica, 11(3), 281–291. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-4301.2018.3.31253