The space of others: errance and exile in Two brothers, by Milton Hatoum
Space, Transit, Identity, Contemporary Brazilian narrative.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the configuration of space in Milton Hatoum´s novel Two Brothers. In order to do so, it will be investigated, mainly, the way in which the wandering and the exile, lived by the personages, are related to the configuration of the space in the narrative. The methodology contemplates the theoretical-critical studies formulated by Certeau (2014), Bhabha (2013), Maffesoli (2001), Said (2003), among others. The results of analysis point to a problematization about the relationship between the subject and the socially constructed space by those who, in search of an identity, are affected by the feeling of non-belonging. From this perspective, therefore, Hatoum’s novel evidences the space of the exile and the immigrant to think the sense of identity in contemporary times.
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