Still (and always) Saussure: history, memory and discourse in three versions of the same text
CLG, Versions, Publications, Retrospection and projection horizon.Abstract
In this article we reflect about the context of three versions of the Cours de Linguistique Générale (CLG): the one published in Argentina and those published in Brazil and Portugal. Our objective is to comprehend how CLG is received/read in each historical moment outside the French context. We selected these three versions not only for their unique relation with their languages, but because they are proposed in circumstances in which the CLG is received/read in a different way. Furthermore, in these versions we also consider a quite controversial passage, even in the French edition, the one that deals with the example given to illustrate the principle of the sign’s arbitrariness. While comparing this passage in different
versions we understand how the interpretation gesture of the individual who took the responsibility for the work’s version is inscribed in each one
of the countries concerned.
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