Memories of the future: world and subject alterity in the poetry of Cecilia Meireles


  • Márcia Helena S. Barbosa Universidade de Passo Fundo



Landscape studies, Poetry, Alterity, Horizon structure, Sacred.


This study examines the relations between poetry and the sacred in the poetic work of Cecília Meireles, demonstrating that the lyrical subject, by perceiving the alterity of the world, is brought to meet its own alterity, in a search in which the imagined future is intertwined with diffuse memories of the origin. The work, to develop the proposed analysis, adopts as theoretical basis the thesis of Michel Collot, who is dedicated to landscape studies in literature and takes as support Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology and the thematic criticism of Jean-Pierre Richard.


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COLLOT, Michel. La poésie moderne et la structure d’horizont. Paris: PUF, 1989.

COLLOT, Michel. Les enjeux du paysage. Bruxelles: Ousia, 1997.

COLLOT, Michel. Do horizonte da paisagem ao horizonte dos poetas. Trad. Eva Nunes Chatel. In: ALVES, Ida; FEITOSA, Marcia Manir Miguel (Org.). Literatura e paisagem: perspectivas e diálogos. Niterói: Ed. da UFF, 2010. p. 205-217.

COLLOT, Michel. Pontos de vista sobre a percepção de paisagens. Trad. Denise Grimm. In: NEGREIROS, Carmem; ALVES, Ida; LEMOS, Masé (Org.). Literatura e paisagem em diálogo. [S.l.]: Edições Macunaíma, 2012. p. 11-28.

COLLOT, Michel. O sujeito lírico fora de si. Trad. Zênia de Faria e Patrícia Souza Silva Cesaro. Signótica, Goiânia, v. 25, p. 221-241, 2013.

MEIRELES, Cecília. Poesia completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994.



How to Cite

Barbosa, M. H. S. (2018). Memories of the future: world and subject alterity in the poetry of Cecilia Meireles. Letrônica, 11(3), s189-s201.