Lusophony in the context of transnational and transcontinental identities
Lusophony, Lusotropicalism, Portuguese Language, Transnational Identities, Globalization, Symbolic Power.Abstract
Lusophony is a transcultural and transnational “imagined community”. Being a project with a past of five centuries, based on the Portuguese language, Lusophony is simultaneously a project dispersed by several geographically distant spaces in which citizens of diverse ethnic groups and with different cultures live. In order to be able to explore the future of Lusophony, it is therefore important not only to understand its complex construction in the present, but also the challenges that lie ahead. In the idea of Lusophony, a symbolic struggle is played by the division of the international community in cultural areas. I will therefore consider the idea of Lusophony as a struggle for the "symbolic order of the world" (Bourdieu), where the problems of hegemonic language and scientific subordination are posed. Being technological the condition of the time, and cyberspace a new context of communication, I place the possibility of Lusophony being built, also, through web sites, electronic portals, social networks, digital repositories and virtual museums.
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