Africa on the postcolonial Lusophone literary canon


  • Fernanda Vilar Universidade de Coimbra



Lusophonia, Canon, Literature.


After the end of the Portuguese Colonial Empire, the term Lusofonia came to mark a space of influence that Portugal did not wish to lose. However, the geopolitical dynamics of the world allowed the Portuguese-speaking countries to use the CPLP (Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries) as a tool for affirmation and positioning in the world. In this way, how to understand the literature produced in Africa of the PALOP and its relation with the Portuguese canon and the World canon? Through the Anglophone literature issues and the example of the world literature manifest made by Francophones writers, our aim is to interrogate the space of Lusophone African literary production.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Vilar, Universidade de Coimbra

Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES)


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How to Cite

Vilar, F. (2018). Africa on the postcolonial Lusophone literary canon. Letrônica, 11(1), 55–64.