Trill and tap alternation at the beginning of the syllable in the spoken Portuguese in the former region of Italian colonization of Rio Grande do Sul: in search of a regional standard
Trill and tap alternation, RCI-RS, Speaking Community.Abstract
This article analyzes the results of some studies on the vibrant variation performed in cities of RCI-RS. We consider the results of our study (Azeredo 2012) in Brazilian Portuguese of Flores da Cunha/RS compared to the results obtained in two other neighboring cities, Antonio Prado (Correa 2016) and Caxias do Sul (BOVO 2004), in order to verify the ability to set the RCI-RS as a speech community. By examining the results of our analysis we observe both convergences and dialectal differences with respect to the conditioning factors of the process variable. It was also observed that the social variables play strong conditioning on the variable rule of realization of tap where a trill is expected . We can confirm only partially the hypothesis of the RCI-RS be an important speaking community for the realization of tap in trill places. Our study showed that, despite many similarities and shared Italianity, local realities coincide with municipal boundaries, need to be addressed in the analysis of this variable process specific.
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