The first plural person in Santa Leopoldina/ES: correlation between variation and agreement


  • Camila Candeias Foeger Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Espírito Santo
  • Lilian Coutinho Yacovenco Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Maria Marta Pereira Scherre Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



Variation nós/a gente, Verbal agreement, Rural variety.


In the present study, based on the perspective of Sociolinguistics Variationist (Labov, 2008 [1972]), we analyze two phenomena related to the first person plural: the alternation of first person plural nós/a gente (we) and the agreement with nós (we). We focus on linguistic variables verb tense and phonic salience, and also the age and a stylistic variable – interaction with the interviewer. The corpus used consists of 32 interviews (Labov, 2008), belonging to the Portuguese Sample Spoken in the Rural Area of Santa Leopoldina, Espírito Santo. For the quantification of data, we use the program GoldVarbX (Sankoff; Tagliamonte and Smith, 2005). We noted that the implementation of a gente (we) is favored by contexts that express “run away from agreement ausence”. We noted also that (1) nós is favored by present and past tense when there is ambiguity between the forms: if there is non-agreement, the morpheme -mos express past tense and the absence of the morpheme –mos express the present; (2) verbs that are less salient favor a gente or non-agreement; (3) men that have 26 to 49 years old favor a gente; (4) nós is most frequent when the interaction occurs with the interweer borned in the community.


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Author Biographies

Camila Candeias Foeger, Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Espírito Santo

Mestre em Linguística

Lilian Coutinho Yacovenco, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Professora Associada IV do Departamento de Línguas e Letras da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo


Maria Marta Pereira Scherre, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Doutora em Linguística/Pesquisadora 1BCNPq/Professora Visitante Nacional Sênior (Capes)


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How to Cite

Foeger, C. C., Yacovenco, L. C., & Scherre, M. M. P. (2017). The first plural person in Santa Leopoldina/ES: correlation between variation and agreement. Letrônica, 10(1), 5–17.