The reading of the hypertext in the perspective of the Theory of Enunciation
Enunciation, Subjectivity in language, Reading, Benveniste, Hypertext.Abstract
This article aims to conduct the interdisciplinary crossing of the theories of enunciation and the hypertext. The study, of a theoretical nature, is characterized by being an analysis which links the contributions of Émile Benveniste’s theory of enunciation with theories about hypertext, from the perspective of authors such as Lúcia Santaella, Pierre Lévy, Alex Primo and George Landow. We observed that the categories of person, time and space – which Benveniste debits the subjectivity in language – are enhanced in the hypertext. This enhancement, which is one of the characteristics of cyberspace by the countless multiconected links, leads to a particular way of reading these hypertexts. Thus, we propose the term hypersubjectivity in language to treat speech in the virtual environment, which has distinctive and immersive reader in the complex scenario of the virtual environment.
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