The religious intolerance in the literature of Jorge Amado
Jorge Amado, Religious intolerance, Racial theories, Literature.Abstract
From the proposal of thematic area “Expression of Conflicts”, of Duo VII – Dialogue Under Ocuupation event, we propose to think about the religious intolerance while subject of the literature of the brazilian writer Jorge Amado. The religious intolerance appears specially in the book Tenda dos Milagres (1968), in scenes that shows “pais-de santo” and “terreiros de candomblé” being chase. We understand the religious intolerance phenomenon as a consequence of racial theories that were a scientific paradigm in the end of XIX century and at the beginning of XX century. These theories understood race as an explanation for the backwardness or progress of a nation. The “candomblé” religion, according to this scietific perspective, meant the supposed delay of Brazil by being related to african culture. When Jorge Amado was a congressman by the comunist party, he created de law that sets the religious freedom in Brazil, in 1946. For this work we use mainly the thoughts by Leite (1976), Schwarcz (2001) e Skidmore (1989).
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