Formação da literatura brasileira: Antonio Candido dialectical thinking


  • Yuly Paola Martínez Sánchez Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG



Brazilian literary history, Antonio Candido, dialectics


This article proposes an interpretation to the work Formação da literatura brasileira by Antonio Candido, emphasizing on the critic thinking that debates between the tradition of how to do literary history, and the theoretical and methodological demands of Antonio Candido’s present. This dialectic game of Candido thinking bases all the construction of this Brazilian literary history, since the choices of the periods, of the authors and the literary works are justified in the dialectic relation that they reveal. The article stands out the notion of literature as an integrated system in the cultural, social and political system of the country, because it gives an important place to the literary theory, critics and history, in the sense that permit them being recognized in the social studies as constructors of society sense.


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Author Biography

Yuly Paola Martínez Sánchez, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG

Licenciada em Espanhol e Inglês pela Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia, Mestre em Estudos Literários pela Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Doutoranda do PPG História da Literatura pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande-FURG, Bolsista CAPES.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, Y. P. M. (2015). Formação da literatura brasileira: Antonio Candido dialectical thinking. Letrônica, 8(2), 608–617.