Memory and discursive dimensions: the memory in order to unmask temporality


  • Luiz Roberto Peel Furtado de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Tocantins


Memory, Semiotics, Language Philosophy, Poetry.


Memory is represented here as the dehiscence of perception, and the concept of dehiscence based on its phenomenological dimension, that is, as opening or creative encounter that makes the existence of the double possible. That is the memory that, conceived apart from the existence of each textual formation, that, depending on each discursive dimension that has generated it, will present repertories, or harmonic sets of interpreters, different ones. The memory is, this way, projected in its noble way, or form: the one that is conceived by the Wild Spirit or by the Brute Being (concepts found in MerleayPonty’s work); is, this way, history of life, that gets the discursive formations as an excess of what one wanted to do, say or think, this excess opens the possibility of retaking and creating to others. The corpus to the analysis was made of Hilda Hilst’s texts, mainly the ones found in Júbilo, Memória, Noviciado da Paixão; and the analysis had, as its principal epistemological base the Discursive Semiotics; the theoretical base of this work is also composed by the Philosophy and the Phenomenology – Bergson and Merleau-Ponty.


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Author Biography

Luiz Roberto Peel Furtado de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Bacharel em Arquitetura e Urbanismo (UniSantos) Bacharel em Letras - Grego/Português (USP) Licenciado em Letras - Português (USP) Mestre e Doutro em Letras Clássicas (USP) Professor de Latim, Filologia Românica, Gramática Histórica e Gramática Normativa da Universidade Federal do Tocantins



How to Cite

Oliveira, L. R. P. F. de. (2014). Memory and discursive dimensions: the memory in order to unmask temporality. Letrônica, 6(2), 767–781. Retrieved from