The emptiness of the city and the affections for places in Poema sujo, by Ferreira Gullar
City, Modernity, Poema sujo.Abstract
Focusing on spaces of reference, this paper aims at analyzing the relationship between man and city in the work Poema sujo, by Ferreira Gullar. We consider, for this purpose, the temporal distance of the context regarding the provincial city, the experiences of the poetic subject and the metropolis remodeled by progress. At this juncture, the city had been marked by a fragmented vision and different forms of coexistence: the threads of relationships network, anchored in the collective spirit, have been detached, causing, in the urban context, rootlessness, reference loss, individualization and memory shattering. It is in this context of fluidity, valorization of ephemerality, whose rule is speed and everything seems disposable, that the city is shaped. The ruptures unfold in excessive displacements, gaps and helplessness.
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