The Philosophy of History as a place of effective of freedom in Hegelian System Science


  • José Nicolao Julião Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro



Universal history. Philosophy. System. Freedom.


In Hegel, more of the one than in any another philosopher who precedes him, history gains philosophical statute basic, therefore your interest for it is present in all part of your philosophy. For Hegel, the philosophy is history, or either, history of the progress in the conscience of the freedom. While process of magnifying of the freedom, history gains a place of prominence in the hegelian system, appears in the last part of the objective spirit, as die Weltgeschichte, effecting, in this way, the ontological and methodological structure of the concept of freedom exposed in the last book of the Science of Logic. The object of this research is therefore the Philosophy of World History understood as a effective universe of the freedom and of the philosophical thought that we consider as its systematic closing, since the parts that compose the absolute spirit – art, religion and philosophy - they are independent, understanding each one in same itself a finished system. Our objective is accurately to demonstrate this place of prominence that occupies universal history (die Weltgeschichte) in the hegelian system.


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Author Biography

José Nicolao Julião, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

&raduado em Filosofia pela UFRJ; Mestreado em Filosofia pala UFRJ; Doutorado em Filosofia pela UNICAMP; Prof. Associado I da UFRRJ;


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How to Cite

Julião, J. N. (2014). The Philosophy of History as a place of effective of freedom in Hegelian System Science. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 59(1), 86–105.



Ethics and Political Philosophy