Heidegger and Paul.A phenomenological appropriation of Christian religiosity from the situation of the hōs mē pauline (1 Cor 7,29-31)





Phenomenology. Facticity. Eschatology. Temporality. Faith.


The article highlights the notion of temporality based on the phenomenological interpretation of the Pauline text of 1 Cor 7: 29-31 in the second part of the Friburgense lecture of the winter semester of 1920/1921 entitled “Introduction to the Phenomenology of Religion (GA 60, 119-121). Heidegger turns to what only makes Christianity an original historical event, namely, the Christian faith. Between the three temporally eminent phenomena present in the second part of the course ( [Gewordensein], the “as if not” [alsobnicht, hōsmē] and the expectation of the parousia), we highlight the Greek particle hōsmē as authentic performance of the present: the hōsmē formula has not only a negative meaning, but for Paul the “as if not” means that behavior induced by living “as if not” does not exclude engagement in the surrounding world (Umwelt) and more precisely against it.To explain this “return” to the factual situation that characterizes the Christian life as Paul lived it through the writing of his epistles implies to examine, successively,the two fundamental methodological moments in the phenomenology of the young Heidegger (1), the Pauline text from the relationship between eschatological concentration and tension in 1 Cor 7,29-32 (2), the hōsmē formula and the complexer of the Christian life based on the eschatological horizon (3) and, by way of conclusion, the relation
between “prior conception” and Christian facticity based on the structural cohesion between original Christian religiosity, phatic experience of life and temporality (4).


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Author Biography

Bento Silva Santos, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, ES

Professor Titular no Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação da UFES e Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa,
Nível 02, do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Silva Santos, B. (2019). Heidegger and Paul.A phenomenological appropriation of Christian religiosity from the situation of the hōs mē pauline (1 Cor 7,29-31). Veritas (Porto Alegre), 64(3), e34367. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2019.3.34367