The role of Émile in Rousseau’s architectural thought: Link problems between Education and Politcs


  • Claudio A. Dalbosco Universidade de Passo Fundo, Universidade de Kassel



Human. Education. Culture. State. Will Formation. Freedom.


The paper concerns the problem of the unity among the Second Discourse, Émile and The Social Contract, considered the major philosophical works of the Jean – Jacques Rousseau’s thought.  It reconstructs two interpretive traditions, one for and the other contrary to the unit. The first one, represented by Voughan, Guéroult and Kersting, shows the incompatibility between the Second Discourse pessimistic diagnosis and the normative ideal assigned to the State by The Social Contract. The second interpretive tradition, dating back to Immanuel Kant, posits the unit focusing on the normative role that Émile attaches to education as a means of human evil correction and social and political corruption. This essay, supporting the second interpretation, highlights the centrality that Émile holds in the architectonic of Rousseau’s thought. Thus, it is clear, the role of educational theory in the preparation of the republican and democratic ideals based on equals’ free life among equals.


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Author Biography

Claudio A. Dalbosco, Universidade de Passo Fundo, Universidade de Kassel



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How to Cite

Dalbosco, C. A. (2016). The role of Émile in Rousseau’s architectural thought: Link problems between Education and Politcs. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 61(1), 7–25.



Ética Normativa, Metaética e Filosofia Política