Rereading Nicaea (325). A theological brushstroke on the impacts of the First Ecumenical Council and Synodality

1700 years of its convening




Nicaea, Synodality, 1700 years, Heresy.


The Synod of Nicaea was convened during the year 325 to address the Arian heresy that had long plagued the Church. This article aims to discuss some perspectives on the impacts of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, in a context in which Synodality was the basis for the exercise of theological-ecclesiastical discussions where the Doctrine and Truths of the Church were instituted. To this end, the subsections prepare the reader for an understanding of the meaning of heresy and truth, their unfolding and reverberations, cut by a dynamic in which Tradition, faith experience and consensus are organic and translate diversity in Unity. As a result, it is observed that the commemorations around Nicaea (325) are a background to look at human existence with acuity, verifying that heresies and truths coexist in a world marked by the permanent search for the Divine in the human.


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Author Biography

Iosif Leandro Bosch, Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade Aristotélica de Tessalônica, Grécia.

Graduated, Master and Doctor in Dogmatic Theology from the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki - Greece. Graduated and Postgraduate in Theology from the Pontifical University of Santo Tomás de Aquino – Angelicum. Pomegranate. Visiting Professor linked to the Chair of Dogmatics (Trinitarian Theology: One God) at the Faculty of Theology at UCA. Metropolitan Archbishop of Buenos Aires and Primate of South America - Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.


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