Philippians 2:5-11

Rethinking Christian Apologetics for the 21st Century Based on imitatio Christi




Philippians, Imitatio Christi, Apologetics, Exegesis, Biblical Theology


There is no doubt that to the Christian was given the task to show the world why Christianity is the Revelation of God. However, in recent years, in an attempt to establish a consubstantiated narrative discourse, Christian apologetics seems to have become trapped within extremely rationalist argumentative structures. If, on the one hand, this effort brought some good results; on the other hand, by ignoring the power of other argumentative possibilities, this type of apologetics also ended up generating some resistance among non-Christian people. In order to reach everyone, in this paper we present a “new” proposal for the defense of the Christian faith in the public space. From the text of Ph 2,5-11, existential principles anchored in the teaching of imitatio Christi are taken for a more incarnational apologetic within space-time. We believe that the christological hymn provides a consistent substrate for a much richer and more organic defense of the faith, bearing a greater resemblance to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


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Author Biographies

Waldecir Gonzaga, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Director and professor of Biblical Theology at the Department of Theology at PUC-Rio. Creator and leader of the Group of Semitic Biblical Rhetorical Analysis Studies, accredited with CNPq. Doctor in Biblical Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Italy. Post doctoral by FAJE.


Marcelo Dantas da Silva Júnior, Escola Superior de Teologia (EST), São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil.

PhD student in Theology at the Escola Superior de Teologia (EST), São Leopoldo, Brazil.


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