Um pacto pela terra – a crise ecológica na agenda da Teologia


  • Leomar Antônio Brustolin PUCRS
  • Renato Ferreira Machado


Teologia, Ecologia, Gênesis, Cristo


This paper thinks about the relation between Theology and ecology aiming to interpret the questions of the crisis in the relation of person-environmentsacred. There is proposed a new posture of the human being in front of the nature, starting from the Jewish-Christian tradition where the preservation and the care depend upon the present vision of time and the rest of Sabbath. It emphasizes the role of the Christians in the task of reconcile human being and created world KEYWORDS: Theology. Ecology. Genesis. Christ.


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Author Biographies

Leomar Antônio Brustolin, PUCRS

Doutor em Teologia, Professor e Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teologia da FATEO- PUCRS.

Renato Ferreira Machado

Pedagogo, professor, mestrando em Teologia na FATEO-PUCRS.



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