Social skills and psychopathological symptoms in Fundamental Education teachers




Social skills, anxiety, depression, psychological stress, school teachers


Social Skills (SS) are socially appropriate behaviors fundamental to teaching and mental health. This cross-sectional quantitative study aimed to evaluate and verify the relationship between SS and depressive, anxiety, stress and social anxiety symptoms in 94 municipal elementary school teachers (M = 43.12 years; SD = 9.12). The IHS2-Del-Prette, the CASE and the DASS-21 were used. Of the sample, 63% (n = 59) had medium and highly elaborate HS repertoire, 70% (n = 66) without social anxiety; 2% and 5% with moderate or severe depressive and anxiety symptoms. Assertive conversation and HS were negatively associated with depression, anxiety, stress and social anxiety. Affective-sexual approach, Expression of positive feeling and Self-control and coping were negatively associated with social anxiety. Social resourcefulness was negatively associated with depressive symptoms. It was concluded that participants had satisfactory HS, minimal symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, and few symptoms of social anxiety; the more HS, the less psychopathological symptoms.


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Author Biographies

Camila Heck, Atitus Educação, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil.

Master in Psychology from IMED/Atitus Educação. CAPES/PROSUP scholarship. Educational Psychologist at the City Hall of Santa Rosa/RS.

Camila Rosa de Oliveira, Atitus Educação, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil.

Post-doctorate in Psychology and PhD in Biomedical Gerontology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at Atitus Educação.

Márcia Fortes Wagner, Atitus Educação, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil

PhD and Master in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology and Coordinator of the Interpersonal Relations, Emotion, Behavior and Cognition Study and Research Group (GEPRIECC), Atitus Educação, Passo Fundo/RS.


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How to Cite

Heck, C., Rosa de Oliveira, C., & Fortes Wagner, M. (2023). Social skills and psychopathological symptoms in Fundamental Education teachers. Psico, 54(2), e41079.