Objects and methods in the analysis of messages and the media


  • Miguel Roiz Celix Complutense University of Madrid




Communication, message, communication theories


Based on different conceptions of "message", "content" and "content analysis" in the North American and European social scientific tradition, especially in the School of the Institute of Social Psychology of Communications in Strasbourg (A. Transformation of the "object" of the analysis of the message, conditioned by changes in the conceptions of what is "mass culture" and the "cultural industry" at the end of the twentieth century.


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Author Biography

Miguel Roiz Celix, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. Faculty of Information Sciences


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How to Cite

Celix, M. R. (2009). Objects and methods in the analysis of messages and the media. Revista FAMECOS, 5(8), 19–28. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.1998.8.5464


