Multi-sensory interfaces: hybrid spatialities of body space


  • Luisa Paraguai University of Sorocaba



Multisensory interfaces, human/machine relation, mobile technologyhybrid


The text is concerned with the multisensory interfaces used to think about the human/machine relationship and its specific ways to work. By getting the corporeal physicality of users and the materiality of the objects and the space as input data, it is necessary to investigate the possibility of bodily reconfiguration in its own presentation and perception through mediated interactions. The hybrid process has pointed out specific ways of apprehension and communication. After some theoretical thoughts about tangible and enactive interfaces, some artistic works will be presented because of their experimental proposals of sensory states. The artistic proposals have potentialized the body and space since they have articulated the sensitive construction of the reality as a phenomenological experience.


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Author Biography

Luisa Paraguai, University of Sorocaba

Professor at the University of Sorocaba


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How to Cite

Paraguai, L. (2009). Multi-sensory interfaces: hybrid spatialities of body space. Revista FAMECOS, 15(37), 54–60.



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