Subcultures and cyberculture(s): for a genealogy of the identities of a field


  • Adriana Amaral Tuiuti University of Paraná



Cyberculture, information, feudalism commons


This paper presents a genealogy of subculture's concepts as one of the key elements and "foundational" myths of cyberculture. Our main goal is to map the almost indistinctive relations between communicational and sociability processes of subcultural order that were already in the constituition of cybercultural as contemporary phenomenon from the different countercultures that have formatted them (such as hackers, scientists, artists, political activists, among others); and in its reconfigurations and actual elements from the dissemination of the communication technologies, speacially in its fragmented niches and social practices on the web


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Author Biography

Adriana Amaral, Tuiuti University of Paraná

Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Communication and Languages of the Tuiuti University of Paraná


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How to Cite

Amaral, A. (2009). Subcultures and cyberculture(s): for a genealogy of the identities of a field. Revista FAMECOS, 15(37), 38–44.



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