To rethink the thought of communication


  • Rodrigo Fonseca e Rodrigues Metropolitan College of Belo Horizonte



Thought, memory, image


This article proposes to problematize, in the studies of the communication, the non-linguistic foundations, the incommunicable syntheses and the conditioning performances of the memory and the sensation that constructs the reality of its thought. It is remarkable the insufficiency of the language, being bearer of own articulations, cutting off flows, intensities and rhythms in discontinuous units. This logic of representation requires that we establish in our ideas the same distinctions that we perceive to exist between objects and relations. Before thinking about object, intersubjectivity or communication phenomena, for example, one imagines thought as a transducer of images, memories, semiotic regimes and a-linguistic flows. It would be necessary to rethink the thought of communication beyond the communicational or semiosic processes.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Fonseca e Rodrigues, Metropolitan College of Belo Horizonte

Professor at Metropolitan College of Belo Horizonte


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How to Cite

e Rodrigues, R. F. (2008). To rethink the thought of communication. Revista FAMECOS, 14(34), 110–113.



Rethinking Communication