The silence of television: challenge and hopes in mediated communication


  • Heloisa Pait Paulista State University - UNESP



Communication, public place, democracy


Much of the television communication takes place in an environment without solid references, in what differs from more traditional public spaces. In this article I reflect on the nature of communication and sociability in a mediated society and show that an inclusive and successful television culture demands from its participants a silent and interrogative attitude. In free prose, I return to interviews with authors and spectators of Brazilian soap opera made for my doctoral thesis, illuminated by a theoretical discussion about language and mediated communication, and with special emphasis on the desires and memories involved in this communication. I briefly compare the Brazilian experience with that of other countries with regard to this inclusive capacity of the communicative space, and point to the ethical and communicative challenges that are being restored today at the global level.


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Author Biography

Heloisa Pait, Paulista State University - UNESP

Professor at the Paulista State University - UNESP


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How to Cite

Pait, H. (2008). The silence of television: challenge and hopes in mediated communication. Revista FAMECOS, 14(34), 45–49.



Television and Communication