The body of the notion: images and imaginaries in Brazilian cinema


  • Miriam de Souza Rossini Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul



Culture, cinema, imaginary


This text intends to discuss the identity brands produced by two cinematographic schools that since the 60's have been influencing the production of films in Brazil, anchored in an aesthetic audiovisual and narrative that aims to attack the viewer. With this, we want to understand how what began as a proposal for a revolutionary cinema and social denunciation ended up becoming the very mark of national cinema, and also of the image representation of Brazil and Brazilians. It is also intended to understand how these discursive and audiovisual strategies can be perceived in the films of the post-retake call, that is, in the cinema made from 2001. From this perspective, some of these films will be focused: Beto Brant's "O Invasor", 2001 ; "Cidade de Deus", 2001, by Fernando Meireles; "Amarelo Manga", 2002, by Cláudio Assis; "Contra todos 2004", by Roberto Moreira.


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Author Biography

Miriam de Souza Rossini, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Professor of the Faculty of Library and Social Communication of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Rossini, M. de S. (2008). The body of the notion: images and imaginaries in Brazilian cinema. Revista FAMECOS, 14(34), 22–28.



Cinema and Representation