Exegesis or "He is in the midst of us"


  • Jorge Martins Rosa New University of Lisbon




Matrix, information theory, religion


Despite its somewhat disregarded (literary and cinematographic) status, science fiction - particularly in more recent years as seen from Neuromancer's journey to the film trilogy The Matrix - has served as a mediator between the seemingly irreconcilable fields of technoscience and religion, constituting itself as a fundamental component of cyberculture. It should however be ascertained how much these links fall back to a much earlier period. This is the purpose of this article; Although restricting his analysis to only one author, Philip K. Dick, its relevance stems from the double fact of being an inescapable name of the genre and of serving - particularly in his later works - of notions close to information theory.


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Author Biography

Jorge Martins Rosa, New University of Lisbon

Professor at the Communication Department of New University of Lisbon


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How to Cite

Rosa, J. M. (2008). Exegesis or "He is in the midst of us". Revista FAMECOS, 14(34), 07–13. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2007.34.3446



Cinema and Representation