The media and the production of ways of being of adolescence


  • Neuza Maria de Fátima Guareschi Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul



Communication, journalism, narrative


The focus of this discussion is to problematize how certain daily practices forge identity marks, producing certain ways of being adolescent. The objective is to circumscribe how practices of signification in contemporary times produce truth regimes that mark bodies and behaviors, govern ways of living and perceiving adolescents, based mainly on culture from the field of Cultural Studies and Foucauldian discussion about the Concept of speech. The analysis material is based on a report, dated December 7, 2003, of a communication vehicle of wide circulation in RS, which presents a classification made by adolescents and that proposes codes of behavior using as criteria the clothing and the Appearance of the body.


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Author Biography

Neuza Maria de Fátima Guareschi, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Professor at the Faculty of Social Communication of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

Guareschi, N. M. de F. (2008). The media and the production of ways of being of adolescence. Revista FAMECOS, 13(30), 81–90.



Mídia e identidade