Consciousness and Memory as objects of communication: the approach of Marshall McLuhan


  • Vinícius Andrade Pereira University of state of Rio de Janeiro



Conscience, Memory, McLuhan


The study examines how the theme of memory appears articulated to that of consciousness and to the advancement and development of communication technologies in the work of Canadian thinker Marshall McLuhan. It seeks to define the meanings of memory and consciousness in the said author, using these concepts as a strategy to think new objects of study within the field of contemporary communication - admittedly marked by technological constraints - and thus reconsider the importance of McLuhan, even today, in the analysis of phenomena and communication dynamics.


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Author Biography

Vinícius Andrade Pereira, University of state of Rio de Janeiro

The author holds a doctorate in Communication and Culture from ECO / UFRJ, an adjunct professor in the Department of Communication Theory and the New Technologies and Culture line, from the postgraduate program of the Faculty of Social Communication of the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Research associate of CiberIdea / ECO / UFRJ and the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, University of Toronto, Canada.


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How to Cite

Andrade Pereira, V. (2008). Consciousness and Memory as objects of communication: the approach of Marshall McLuhan. Revista FAMECOS, 11(24), 149–157.



Dossier partnership in research groups: PUCRS / UFRJ / UERJ